Monday, April 20


~ A C T I O N P L A N ~
Every day I spend 4 hours with my "daily dailies" established during the April Challenge then I proceed to the first item, yet to be completed, on the list below. Only when that item has been achieved will I move to the next item on the list.
  1. Make a list of current worthwhile contacts by country (April)DONE.
  2. I request a US address from Jennifer, Kevin, Nushi & Mark . (April)DONE.
  3. I establish a solid 2500 and steadily growing online social marketing network (Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, "YouTube," NING)WORKING ON total now 1327
  4. April Challenge Completion
  5. I earn $2,000 in May by teaching and online work
  6. I acquire a money plant, mother-in-law's tongue, and areca palm and extra pots and soil to propogate.(May)
  7. I earn $2,000 in May by teaching and online work
  8. I acquire a money plant, mother-in-law's tongue, and areca palm and extra pots and soil to propogate.(May)
  9. I pay for San Francisco mail service. (ASAP)
  10. I have a camcorder and peripherals to easily make and upload YouTube videos and slideshows (ASAP)
  11. I re-join MLM Lead System Pro (June)
  12. I re-join Aweber (June)
  13. I order and use whatever products that I may indeed represent as an affiliate and/or MLM distributor. (July)
  14. I establish 10 contacts in 10 countries (3 per month, April through December)
  15. I earn $3,000 in June by utilizing affiliate and MLM products
  16. I earn $4,000 in July by utilizing PPC and all of the above
  17. I pay back $1,000 to Helen
  18. I earn $5,000 in August
  19. I pay back $1,000 to Helen
  20. I earn $6,000 in September
  21. I pay back $500 to Helen.
  22. I buy 1,000 ounces of silver.
  23. I buy 1,000 ounces of silver.
  24. I earn $8,000 in November
  25. I buy 500 ounces of silver.
  26. I earn $10.000 in December
  27. My total expenses per month are $1,000. (December)
  28. Pay off existing credit card debt of $6,000

Wednesday, April 15

Cosmic Habitforce

In other words...

You are where you are now in life because of your thoughts, habits and actions. You are 100% responsible.

I believe that. I can create new, better habits, at will.

Budgeting Time and Money

In other words...

There is time and/or money sufficient to do what needs to be done, workwise and otherwise. Consistently use both wisely.

Maintenance of Sound Health

In other words...

Be well and address root causes of optimal health so that you will always be well.

Now I am getting why my first reading of Think and Grow Rich didn't impress me much. It is all rather obvious. isn't it?

Creative Vision

I'm not sure....maybe simply:

Be creative. Think outside of the box. Allow infinite intelligence to act/speak through you.

Adversity & Defeat

In other words...

All problems have solutions and result in a greater benefit. Success is the only alternative. Every cloud has a silver lining.

Problems are to be solved, challenges are to be met, for they are stepping stones to success.


In other words...

People will cooperate harmoniously with you to the degree that you are giving.

Humm...interesting. Okay.

Controlled Attention

In other words...

Focus on the task at hand no matter how big or small.

Passion helps this one, alot I think.

Accurate Thinking

In other words...

Make assessments and decisions based on only the important and accurate facts. Make your own decisions.

Look before you leap. Got it.


In other words...

Self-determination is controlled by your thoughts and actions. By controlling your thoughts and dis-empowering your emotions you determine your fate.

All that may be true.

I need to work on self discipline on being a slave to good habits. And I am fond of my emotions.

I don't particularly want to control them however I can limit their authority. :) My emotions give me pleasure, they are a lovely spice of my life.

Do I "get it" already or am I stubbornly "not getting" this one?


In other words...

Be physically and mentally energetic.

Done. I am enthusiastic by nature and nurture.

Positive Mental Attitude

In other words...

Control what you attract by controlling your thoughts and attitudes. Keep your mind on the things you want.

All I need to do is stay on task--busy--and I'll be fine. The daily outloud review of the first scroll helps a lot with determining and instilling the most beneficial thoughts and attitudes.

Personal Initiative

In other words...

Motivate yourself to begin and complete what needs to be done.

Death is motivating me. lol. I'm hungry, too. So, I'm motivated.

Pleasing Personality

In other words...

Be confident, enthusiastic and pleasant. Enthusism comes from thoughts, feeling and emotions. Develop a pleasant personality.

Interesting...I always thought you've either got it or you don't. I guess if we can be intentionally pleasant in the event it doesn't come naturally.

Going the Extra Mile

In other words...

Find out who could use your help and then help. Make use of your ability, talent, energy and mind to help others. Helping others to solve their problems will help you solve yours. The more people I genuinely help the more successful I am.

I am helping people online. I could do more to help people who I am in physical contact with and people I have a familial connection to, too! lol So, guess what I added to my daily dailies? I am working about 8-10 hours a day!

Phew...4 hour work week? Humm...

Applied Faith

In other words...

Conditioning your mind to connect with "infinite intelligence" will result in "faith. Your mind plus faith can tap into the power of "infinite intelligence" to manifest whatever objectives you are in the process of realizing.

I see the words. I am baffled nonetheless. Maybe the daily yoga practice and other daily rituals will help. Don't know. Any clues anyone?

Master Mind Alliance

In other words...

The success of all is nurtured and supported by the synergistic effect of many minds focused on common objectives.

It would be beneficial to be part of a master mind alliance.

In the meantime I have altered my email signature to reflect my currrent objectives such that anyone that reads the signature will be energizing these outcomes and helping to bring them to fruition.

Definiteness of Purpose

In other words...

Define what you want, how to get it and then take action immediately. Define purpose and destiny/destination. I take action based on my own initiative and precise destination.

My purpose is to express, unflinching courage, delightful exuberance, elegant grace, physical beautiy and cut to the chase problem solving skills, by working with what I have to get what I want, by taking immediate action to do whatever it takes to meet and conquer challenge, by giving each moment my full attention and love, by keeping my body, surroundings and manner impeccably clean organized, and flowing, and by eagerly doing whatever it takes to get goals realized in an efficient/effective and timely manner.
  • My USA mail is taken care of
  • I touch palms to floor with ease
  • I have the equipment that I need to generate an income of $2,000 to $10,000/month online
  • I have 10 contacts in 10 countries.
  • I live with plants, flowers and their fruits.
  • I am debt free
  • My income is 100x my expenses
  • My uterus is normal
  • I own 2500 ounces of silver
I am committed to behavior that is congruent with my superior health, amazing wealth, brilliant mind and radiant spirit. I am part of a system that gives me the results that I want and need to survive and to flourish. I am specific and passionate about my direction, my activities, and my outcomes.

I eat, drink, move and sleep very well. I am committed to behavior that supports my optimal health. I am gracious, graceful and giving. I have a polished and charismatic presentation. My eyes are beautiful. I am physically strong, supple, enduring and lithe.

I move in the direction of my dominant thought. My thoughts and actions have a positive impact on my life and the lives of others. I utilize what is and find value in it. I focus my complete attention on the task at hand.

I live in a beautiful Spartan/Japanese village home designed to produce and store food, water, heat, and electricity. I am a gifted communicator.

~ A C T I O N P L A N ~
Every day I spend 4 hours with my "daily dailies" established during the April Challenge then I proceed to the first item, yet to be completed, on the list below. Only when that item has been achieved will I move to the next item on the list.
  1. Make a list of current worthwhile contacts by country (April)DONE.
  2. I request a US address from Jennifer, Kevin, Nushi & Mark . (April)DONE.
  3. I establish a solid 500 and steadily growing online social marketing network (Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, "YouTube," NING)(April Challenge)WORKING ON
  4. I earn $2,000 in May by teaching and online work
  5. I acquire a money plant, mother-in-law's tongue, and areca palm and extra pots and soil to propogate.(May)
  6. I earn $2,000 in May by teaching and online work
  7. I acquire a money plant, mother-in-law's tongue, and areca palm and extra pots and soil to propogate.(May)
  8. I pay for San Francisco mail service. (ASAP)
  9. I have a camcorder and peripherals to easily make and upload YouTube videos and slideshows (ASAP)
  10. I re-join MLM Lead System Pro (June)
  11. I re-join Aweber (June)
  12. I order and use whatever products that I may indeed represent as an affiliate and/or MLM distributor. (July)
  13. I establish 10 contacts in 10 countries (3 per month, April through December)
  14. I earn $3,000 in June by utilizing affiliate and MLM products
  15. I earn $4,000 in July by utilizing PPC and all of the above
  16. I pay back $1,000 to Helen
  17. I earn $5,000 in August
  18. I pay back $1,000 to Helen
  19. I earn $6,000 in September
  20. I pay back $500 to Helen.
  21. I buy 1,000 ounces of silver.
  22. I buy 1,000 ounces of silver.
  23. I earn $8,000 in November
  24. I buy 500 ounces of silver.
  25. I earn $10.000 in December
  26. My total expenses per month are $1,000. (December)
  27. Pay off existing credit card debt of $6,000